Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 5-6 Placing the Rebar

On Wednesday, I rented a plate compactor to compact the sand.  As it turned out, the sand is pretty much in a compacted state when it is spread.  So Tanner and I shoveled the sand out of the pad and Dad helped us understand how to screed the sand to a level even with the bottom of the forms.  This way we would end up with a 4" slab rather than, who knows how thick?!  Tanner and I were so busy Wednesday I didn't get any pictures, cause my Dad had to leave and he took the camera.... :-(  ...sorry.

Day 6 Thursday.

Conner, Tanner and I started the day at 7:30 AM.  We had a very productive day.  We finished the form work by adding boards to the openings in the forms where it was high and putting braces to help hold the forms in place.
Here, we are placing the rebar in the forms.  We put them every 18 inched both ways.

When you  set rebar, you have to tie them together with wire so they stay.  Mr. Hamm also found some rebar "chairs" to help hold the rebar on the ground and make sure it is in the middle of the concrete section.  We also set up the handicap ramp (lower right of picture) from the parking lot.

Here is the slab ready to pour.  We not only put braces on to stabilize the forms, we also backfilled it with dirt to add some more strength.

Day 4 - Spreading Sand Continued

Because the sand showed up so soon, I could not coordinate any scout help.  So Dad suggested I hire some local guys to get a jump on getting ready for the rebar placement.  Hiring the workers help me get the sand spread in two hours!

These are the three fellows I hired.

I told them to spread the sand and match the forms but to leave a gap to make the slab thicker on the sides.

The sand has been spread evenly over the entire slab area.

I also cut the concrete in front of the slab so I could build a ramp for access to the slab.

Day 3 - Spreading Sand

Sunday, I called a friend of Dads and told him I needed some sand in the next couple of days for my Eagle Project. Well, it showed up on Monday!  Thank you Scott McCrosky! 
8 cubic yards of sand!  I think this is a little more work than I thought!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 2 - Setting forms

Setting the Forms 

We started at 7:30 AM Saturday morning on my project.  It was already getting hot.  Lucky we did have some shade!
We learned about the 3,4,5 triangle method to set the string lines straight or square to each other.
Tim, Jarrett, Kaegan, Tanner, Quinten, Conner, Mr. Kumnick, Mr. Timbrel, Mr. Johnson, and my Dad & Mom all came out to help me get the project started.  Mom fixed breakfast for everyone.  Thank you Mom!  And I want to thank all of you that came to help!


Getting started.  Mr. Kumnick explains the concept to Mr. Timbrel
 After we got our string lines set and square we started setting the 2"x4"'s to match the edge of the string.  This sets the edge of the concrete for the pad we will mount the pergola and benches too.
Here is a view of the forms from a little higher.  We are setting the stakes to support the 2x4's so it doesn't move when we pour the concrete.

The crew for the second day of work on my project.  Thanks crew!